In a realm known as Divica, a Circle of Seven Gods has long upheld the delicate balance of existence. For ages, they have protected the realm from chaos.
However, their powers have faded after their mysterious disappearance, and the foundations of the realm are trembling under the weight of uncertainty. Rumors whisper through the wind that the gods are dead, and the mortal realm teeters on the brink of collapse heralded by the emperor.
An impending doom hangs in the air, and the only hope lies in the prophecy of the reawakening. A prophecy the emperor wants to destroy once and for all.
New Series
Bast Blackbade is a legendary assassin.
Aethan Starkling is an up-and-coming expert swordsman.
Aislynn Kiernan is the future queen of Novavito.
But when the emperor's ambassadors meddle in their affairs, their lives are forever changed. Each must find a way to rise against the coming darkness...
Or die trying.
Book 2:
Bast Blackblade, dangerous assassin, made a promise to Aslyn. A promise that grows harder to keep with each passing day as she thrusts herself headfirst into the dangers of the Imperial Court.
Aethan wants to get back to Aslyn, but first he has his own promise to keep... to find and save her father. But when an unexpected turn of events leaves him on the brink of death, Aethan prays he will live to see Aslyn again.